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import 'mocha';

import { given } from 'mocha-testdata';

import { ensure, isGreaterThanOrEqualTo, TinyType } from '../../src';
import { expect } from '../expect';

describe('predicates', () => {

    /** @test {isGreaterThanOrEqualTo} */
    describe('::isGreaterThanOrEqualTo', () => {
        class InvestmentLength extends TinyType {
            constructor(public readonly value: number) {

                ensure('InvestmentLength', value, isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(0));

        given(0, 1).
        it('ensures that the argument is greater than or equal to a specified number', (value: number) => {
            expect(() => new InvestmentLength(value)).to.not.throw();

        it('complains if the argument is less than the lower bound', () => {
            expect(() => new InvestmentLength(-1))
                .to.throw(`InvestmentLength should either be equal to 0 or be greater than 0`);

        it('complains if the value does not meet the predicate', (value: any) => {
            expect(() => new InvestmentLength(value))
                .to.throw(`InvestmentLength should either be equal to 0 or be greater than 0`);