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import 'mocha';

import { JSONArray, JSONObject, JSONPrimitive, JSONValue } from '../src/types';

describe('JSON', () => {

        Some_String = 'string',
        Some_Number = 1,
        Some_Boolean = false,
        Some_Object = {k1: Some_String, k2: Some_Number},
        Some_Array = [Some_String, Some_Number, Some_Boolean, Some_Object];

    /** @test {JSONArray} */
    describe('JSONArray', () => {
        it(`describes an array that's a valid JSON`, () => {
            const array_: JSONArray = Some_Array;

    /** @test {JSONObject} */
    describe('JSONObject', () => {
        it(`describes a JavaScript object serialised to JSON`, () => {
            const object_: JSONObject = {
                string: Some_String,
                number: Some_Number,
                boolean: Some_Boolean,
                object: Some_Object,
                array: Some_Array,

    /** @test {JSONPrimitive} */
    describe('JSONPrimitive', () => {
        it(`describes any primitive that can be part of JSON`, () => {
            const string_: JSONPrimitive = 'string',
                number_: JSONPrimitive = 42,
                boolean_: JSONPrimitive = false,
                null_: JSONPrimitive = null;

    /** @test {JSONValue} */
    describe('JSONValue', () => {
        it('describes any value that can be represented as JSON', () => {
                string_: JSONValue = Some_String,
                number_: JSONValue = Some_Number,
                boolean_: JSONValue = Some_Boolean,
                object_: JSONValue = Some_Object,
                array_: JSONValue = Some_Array;